Friday, December 30, 2011

Where to begin???

In November  I mentioned that we are working on making a new Spike. Not really a "NEW" Spike but an additional Spike, or Spikette. December was the first month with Follistim; unfortunately it was unsuccessful. The  news of it being unsuccessful was not devastating and not entirely that surprising. I'm not going to lie; it is NOT fun being on fertility meds, multiple appointments to have blood drawn, daily shots of fsh for 2 weeks, a shot of hcg and then 2 weeks of progesterone supplements, and I am not even ready to talk about the delivery of the progesterone supplements. But after all of that for several months I still got the Spike and it made the months of frustration, and drs appointments (and then months of morning sickness) totally worth it.
Well adding injury to the insult of the negative pregnancy test on December 27th I go in today (December 29) for baseline blood work and ultrasound and find out that I have a 22mm cyst on my right ovary which means I have to take the month off from fertility meds, and I have to go on aygestin to shrink the cyst. One of the worst parts about the cyst is that I didn't even know I had it until she started the ultrasound and was measuring my uterus and that little bit of pressure was enough to anger the cyst and I have been in some level of discomfort ever since. I am scheduled for another baseline on Jan 23. So here's hoping in February we make another October baby!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Almond pound cake

Since I had surgery the day before thanksgiving I made my dessert For thanksgiving on Tuesday. I made an almond pound cake. It was the first time I made one that wasn't plain. I think it turned out pretty well. If you want to make this pound cake it is:

2 1/4c all purpose flour
2 1/4c sugar
3 sticks of butter 
7 jumbo eggs
1 capful almond extract
1 capful vanilla extract 

Preheat oven to 325
sift together flour and sugar
add the butter, almond extract and vanilla extract to the mixing bowl. Alternate adding flour/sugar and eggs until all ingredients combined. mix on high for 2 minutes after all ingredients are in the bowl.
Spray bundt pan and add mixture
bake for 1 hr 5 min

the "drizzle" for lack of a better term is in all reality fruit dip.
it is
1 standard package of cream cheese
1 small container of marshmallow cream
1 capful of vanilla.
Whip together, put in a piping bag and drizzle over the cake

This cake I put toasted almonds on top since my grandmother wanted an almond pound cake, generally I don't put any almond flavoring and put mini chocolate chips on top.


November has been a busy and emotional month. I really don't even know how to begin to describe how busy and emotional.
My grandfather died on November 14th. He was diagnosed with bladder cancer earlier this year, so his death was not a surprise but even with it not being a surprise it has still been difficult to deal with. My grandfather was one of the most important men in my life. He taught me how important it was to always be on time for anything, no matter how unimportant the event seemed. He would do anything for anyone weather he knew them or not. Even with his faults the world was a better place with him in it. Spike and I (and most of the rest of my immediate family) were at his house when he died, we sang to him as he took his last breath. It was a very touching moment.
The night of my grandfather's funeral November 17th my father's sister died. I was not close with my aunt, but her passing was still sad.
November 23rd I had a hysteroscopic D&C with polypectomy. The surgery went as expected and the outlook is good for an additional child in our future. The only odd thing that happened was my iv infiltrated, which made my arm swell, and I have a lovely bruise.

In Spike news he is slowly learning his abc's and since he is only 13 ½ months old I think any abc learning is pretty cool. I have a video on my phone but I don't know if I can upload it from my phone. I'm sure there is an app for that.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

My son the musician

For his 1st birthdy Spike recieved a drum (because I am the coolest mom ever!!) and he loves it!

Little did I know I could have gotten him a broom for his birthday just so he could play some sweet air guitar, complete with power slide.

I see a sound proof instrument room in my future!

First Hair Cut!!

Spike had his first haircut a little more than a week ago. He did such a good job!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Save Araya Sunshine |

Save Araya Sunshine |

About this Project

We need help to save a family friend. My friend and her family are loosing their dog Araya to distemper. She received all of her vaccinations and booster shots later but has still caught the disease. The problem started when her husband brought a puppy in that he had found. At that time the puppy was healthy. One day the puppy got out of the fence and was later found at the pound. She was brought home and was thought to have kennel cough which turned out to be distemper after being exposed to their other two dogs, Araya and Jade. We have now found out that the human society admits to keeping ill dogs with healthy dogs and that there is an outbreak of distemper in the city they live in. Jade was the first of the two to come down with the disease. She was a micro chihuahua and it was not long before she was too far gone. They used their mortgage to try to save her but she did not make it and once she passed they had her cremated. Their daughter was greatly affected by her death. Now Araya has come down with the disease and may not make it without treatment. They need to take her to a clinic several hours away to receive the newcastle disease vaccine treatment that would be given through her spine but they do not have the money. Araya has been a major part of the family. She was a gift to my friend from her husband because of the many fertility problems they were having. She has saved my friend from a robber and is always on alert to protect the family. She has been a loving dog and a great protector. We now want to return the favor but can not afford to do so. We do not have much time and we could use any help that could be given to say her life. You can add my friend on facebook as a friend, Brandy Sutton, She really needs any help that can be given.

Friday, October 7, 2011

I am

almost the mother of a 1 year old! Where has this year gone!?!?! Spike has grown and changed so much in the last year. It is truly a blessing to watch him grow and learn. Even though it has only been a year I can't imagine what my life would be like without him. This weekend is a busy one his birthday party is this weekend. Hopefully his first hair cut will be today. I am so tired of people telling me I have a beautiful daughter. I know traditionally you don't get a baby's hair cut until after their first birthday but I'm a rebel!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Welcome to October!

In 8 short days Spiky will turn 1! Where has this year gone? He has changed so much! Is every year going to be this way? I don't know what I expected his first year to be like, but it has been totally amazing. We need to build something to make time slow down!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

The bracelets have found a new home!

If you find yourself at Adventures with Spiky looking for paracord bracelets they have been relocated. You can now find them at Along with the move they can now be purchased straight from that page without having to be redirected to Etsy. The prices have bee updated to reflect the current sale where they are $10 instead of $12. Thanks to everyone for their past and continuing support!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Paracord Bracelets

Starting September 26th make purchases from my Etsy Store Use the coupon code : SALE2011 to receive $2 off your order. For local pick up orders do not order through etsy, contact me and the price of your bracelet will be $10. This sale will continue until the end of 2011! 

I have been working on getting together a collection of paracord colors for custom bracelets. Here are pictures of all the options I have available. If you are interested leave a comment and I will get back to you. If you want a bracelet with two colors the first color you list will be the prominent color in the bracelet the 2nd color will be on "edges" of the bracelet.Bracelets are $12 + $2 shipping for the first bracelet .75 cents for each additional bracelet and a flat $5 for 5 or more bracelets. To determine the size bracelet you need measure your wrist and add an inch. If you are in my area and would like to place an order Contact me or visit my Facebook fan page  I will need the size buckle color and cord color. After the bracelet is complete we will set up delivery.

Paracord Color Options
Bright Red
Electric Blue
Rose Pink
O.D. Green
Moss Green
Kelly Green
Light Blue
Royal Blue
Colonial Blue
Navy Blue

Buckle Colors

Buckle Color
Primary Color
2nd Color

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Yes I am that mother.

I am that mother.. you know that one that co-sleeps, baby wears and uses cloth diapers. I am also that mother who will work a 12 hour shift come home and cook that same sweet innocent child; turkey bacon and eggs for breakfast.

Which is probably why at 10 months old my son started saying bacon.

Being Creative

As I complained about in an earlier post I am taking Creative Writing and intro to College Algebra this semester. I was excited about Creative Writing. But now I realize how scary this class really is.
1st I have to submit my projects for peer review. Umm HELLO not everybody wants everybody else to read what they write. I could careless if you read what I write I just don't want to be criticized. Well sucks to be me because I still have to do it. This weeks assignment was a nonfiction short story. 3-4 pages of rambling. This has to be submitted for peer review by wednesday. Me being my normal over achieving self, ahem, got it done tonight. I haven't submitted it yet, I am going to send it to my husba... I mean editor. But until he gets to look at it I have posted it on my barely used other blogs for essays. If you feel froggy and want to read it, Go ahead, if you are going to tell me it sucks, yeah I pretty much already know that, so don't waste your time telling me ;)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Spike's 9month appointment

Spike is now 10 months old, so of course it makes sense that he would be having his 9 month appointment! Truth of the matter is Spike's mom is an absentminded dork and forgot to make his 9 month appointment until 3 days before he turned 9 months old and by then they didn't have any openings.
Today's appointment wasn't that bad. Ever since he was labeled failure to thrive I am always super nervous before appointments even though they lifted that label and the kid is eating everything he can get his hands on, except watermelon he hates watermelon (I'm so proud!) So even though I was nervous and he was bad in the waiting room the appointment didn't go that bad. Although for his 1 year appointment I don't think I'm going to show up 15 minutes early. His appointment was at 10 we got there at 9:45 we didn't get into a room until 10:45 and didn't see the Dr until 11:10. The boy (and his mom) was not happy. But it happens so now that its over its not that big of a deal. Anyway, Spike weighs 20 lbs exactly (25th percentile) is 28 inches long(tall?) (also 25th percentile) and his head circ. is 47 cm (88th percentile) so basically my boy is a little but has his daddy's big ol' melon head! The Dr did say that it looks like he could have a narrow urethra (made me think of Hank Hill on king of the hill) but it probably isn't a big deal. If its not a big deal then why the crap tell me about it?
Also I got the exasperated look when I told the nurse we weren't doing shots. I wanted to say "Really? I'm educated, my husband is educated and in the medical field, we aren't a pair of Podunk idiots who are choosing not to vaccinate our child because or witch Dr said they were bad" But, I kept my mouth shut, signed that nice little form saying I was denying vaccinations, made me wonder if you have to sign a form to get vaccinations, you know a form explaining the risks, or even explaining how the vaccinations work and why they feel they are necessarily. I might have to ask around. Or better yet, if you read this and you vaccinate let me know in the comments if you had to sign a form. I'm just curious. and just to cover my butt:
****this is in no way meant to influence the medical decisions that you make for your child. Every parent has the right to determine what medical procedures are correct for their child/family etc.*** however if you want to know the reasons why we chose not to vaccinate just ask and I'll tell you!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Out with the old...

... and in with the new... Classes that is. I finish the current snooze fest (learning and cognition) on Sunday and on Monday I start..... Creative Writing YAY and Pre Algebra BOOO...  So here's to hoping that August will bring me, and you, more entertainment, laughter, fun, whatever it is that makes you keep coming back.

May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields and,
Until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Ok.. thats a little dramatic, but if you don't hear from me in a while its not my fault blame college. I promise I will try to be better. And soon Spiky will be walking so I'm sure that will be noteworthy.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I'm over it...

I am over this being a work out side the home mom thing. I want to be a stay at home mom. I don't like shipping the Spike off to a grandparent's house on days that I work and have to sleep. I don't like always being tired. And no Dayshift is not an option for me. I honestly think I would lose my mind even more on dayshift.
Until I can change this work thing I will keep praying that Jason will get an adjunct teaching job. or a brick and mortar teaching job where he would make enough money to replace my income.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

another year another surgery...

A few months ago I told Jason I wanted to make it till at least January before I had another surgery. I missed the mark. You might think.. Oh you just had a c-section in October so another surgery isn't that bad. Well I've had surgery every year since 2005. But now I am out of useless organs so hopefully I will be able to go surgery-less for another year, or whenever I get pregnant again. And if you are wondering what all I've had done here is the list.
2005- Knee surgery, Right knee lateral release
2006- D & C
2007- Emergency Appendectomy (gangrene and all sorts of fun complications)
2008- Knee Surgery, Right knee lateral release & medial reefing
2009- exploratory laproscopy 
2010- c-section
2011- lap chole (aka I no longer have a gallbladder)
I had my gallbladder out on June 24th, on June 30th I was back in the hospital with pneumonia. On July 5th I was back in the hospital I still had pneumonia but was having increased difficulty breathing. 
Today is July 12th. Yesterday J took the girls and Spike to the dr. the girls have tonsilitis, and Spike has a right ear infection; and yay for me I have tonsilitis too but I'm stubborn and refuse to go to the dr. The girls went back to their mom's house last night so its just me and wonderbaby at home today. And on top of his ear infection the dr said that his top two teeth will be coming in "any day now" 
 I have been hoping to get some stuff done but since he doesn't feel good he wont let me do anything without him laying on me. So I might catch up with my blogging. I've tried some new diapers that I love and that I need to do a review on. So that might be next up :) I hope everybody is having a wonderful July! 

Saturday, June 18, 2011

They call him the fireman

Spike got his new fireman diaper from The Eli monster. So we had to have a mini photoshoot. There will be more. But it was raining today so I only got to take a few inside pictures. I think they turned out quite well.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I love his laugh

I love his laugh! Spike spent the afternoon with his Aunt AshLeigh and his Oma. He came home covered in food and cranky. But after a bath he was a much happier guy and we actually got to play! 

Monday, June 13, 2011

So excited!

Today in the mail I got the blue buckles that I ordered. Spike is spending the afternoon with Oma. So I think I might spend some time and take pictures of all the paracord color options and buckle options that I have for custom orders! The fund raiser for the police unity tour and breast cancer awareness are going extremely well. Better than I imagined that they would.

Friday, June 10, 2011

8 months ago...

8 months ago I had a wonder baby named Spiky. The last 8 months have had their ups and downs, mostly ups and its been the most wonderful 8 months of my life! I can't imagine my life without this little guy.

Last night Spiky stood up without holding onto anything. Well he stood up and then fell forward and grabbed Jason. But in my mind it still counts. I'm wondering how much longer it is going to be until he just starts walking. And he finally called me mommy yesterday, which is a pleasant change from Amber.

There are only 4 short months until his first birthday. I already know what I am going to do for his birthday. I don't want to wish the next 4 months away but I am getting really excited for his first birthday!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Another semester....

or I should say another class since I am pretty sure that the semester started 8 weeks ago. This 8 weeks I am taking Learning and Cognition. I'm thinking major snooze fest which is probably why its a requirement for my degree. Nobody said psychology is exciting.
I am some what thinking about changing my major. I'm not sure though; maybe I'll be one of those students that changes majors so many times I never graduate I just keeping going to school forever. G~d I hope not.
Next Semester: More math and Creative writing (somewhat excited about creative writing)

In Spiky news he is cruising around the furniture, legs, really anything he can hold onto and walk. He also has started taking off his diaper anytime it is wet. Thankfully he doesn't do that for poop diapers but I'm sure at some point he will and it will be messy. Right now he just screams at us until we change poop diapers. Not like we could mistake him standing still and his face turning red while he is preparing the poop diaper for us to change. He also has decided to call me by my first name. Jason is of course Dad because the other 3 call him dad and I call him dad to Spike.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Breast Cancer Awareness

I am now selling Breast Cancer Awareness Survival Bracelets. These bracelets will be $12, and $6 will go to the Lower Alabama Chapter of the Pink Heals Tour.

They are made from 550 paracord. Right now the only option is a black side release buckle. I am waiting for my supplier to get white side release buckles and pink side release buckles in stock. So far those buckles are back ordered until at least the end of June. I am still searching other suppliers and will update when I get white and pink buckles.
There are 3 color options.Pink, Pink and White and Pink and Gray. Remember when you check out to select the color option that you want!
Shipping is $2.00 for the first bracelet and .75 cents for each additional bracelet with shipping cost topping out at $5 for 5 bracelets or more.

To order a bracelet go to the Breast Cancer Awareness page *hint* its at the very top of the blog home page!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Hello, My name is Amber and I'm addicted ....

to cloth diapers. Now I know that I am not spending as much on cloth as I would on disposables. But I am still spending more money than I am comfortable with. I was just using covers which I like because, well because I have everything I need to CD for 2 days without the necessity to do laundry. J has decided that he LOVES AIOs and as you might know those get expensive and I do not have enough AIO that I like to get through more than a day. Ok even using the ones I don't really like I don't have enough to go through a day. Well, my mom sews, not just oh my mom can do a straight stitch, my mom can actually sew. She made all of my clothes when I was a baby and makes pajamas for everybody every year. so she is going to figure out how to sew a cloth diaper. After some research I have found the fabrics, snaps and velcro that she needs. She is going to design a pattern taking into consideration the quality of my favorite diapers and combining them into one. I am super excited!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Well what do you know...

Looks like the rapture didn't happen, or everybody I know is just to bad to be raptured. Both scenarios are equally as believable!

In other news. I survived working this weekend. I'm still dragging but I made it through that one shift of overtime. I applaud everybody that I work with who had to work 3 overtime shifts this weekend and are now on day 6 of 7. You guys are my heros and I totally want to be like you when I grow up!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Everybody's working for the weekend....

For the first time since I was pregnant with Spiky I am working during the day! Noon to midnight gross. To make it better everybody that I work with is also working at least some today. Ok... enough of that.

So I keep hearing rumors that the rapture is today. First off I don't believe in the rapture, just because it doesn't make sense to me. If you believe in it go for it. However my main problem with the rapture happening today is that 1. I'll be at work and B. the bible says that no man will know the day or the hour, so where does this guy get off saying that he KNOWS when Yeshua will return? Seems slightly blasphemous to me.

But hey if we survive today Ill talk to you Sunday!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A month behind...

I just realized that I haven't posted about Spiky much recently. To catch you up he had his 6 month well baby check on April 13th. The failure to thrive label was taken off and he was taken off of the high calorie premie formula and is now on regular infant formula. At his 6 month appointment he wieghted 15 lbs and 6 oz. He was only in the 10th percentile on the growth chart; that is a lot better than he was at his appointments before then when he wasn't even on a chart. I took his 6 month pictures. It was the first time I had ever really used props but I think they turned out surprisingly well.

As I have mentioned before Spiky has never really acted like a baby. Ever since he started pulling up on stuff in April he has been trying desperately to walk. He does crawl around quite a bit but only to get to something he can pull up on. He is only 7 months old and I really don't think 7 month olds should be trying to walk. But I guess he can do what he wants. Who says he has to follow the average time line of milestones anyway? He can walk holding on to things a little. Mostly he does it while he is in his crib but has done it holding on to the couch a few times. The other night he pulled up on the couch, let go and tried to walk off. He fell of course and got mad, but it just makes me think he is getting closer and closer to walking. 
I also took a few 7 month pictures this week. I plan on taking a few more this weekend, I have to work at least one shift of overtime, but hopefully I get to take some and get them uploaded! 

Product Review : Lil' Bit Customs

Company: Lil' Bit Customs

Product: Diaper Cover, All In One (AIO) diapers

Price: Varies depending on type/fabric

In the past few months I have ordered several diapers from Lil' Bit Customs. So far I have 4 OS diaper covers and 3 OS AIO diapers (Groovy Guitars is one of the AIO) 2 of the AIO diapers have been made from T-shirts that I sent her (KISS Army).

I was virtually introduced to the mom behind Lil' Bit Customs in mid March. It took me all of a minute to decide to order a diaper cover from her. At that time I was really only using diaper covers; I had a few pockets and AIO,most of which I did not really like using, and a few covers that I loved using. the first cover that I ordered was a Mickey Mouse print. I only ordered one to begin with just so I could make sure that the diaper cover would work for Spiky. Needless to say it fit him better than any other cover I had purchased previous to this so I ordered 3 more covers; Sponge Bob print, an Airplane Print, and Green Argyle (you can find Lil' Bit Customs fabric options here)
I use econobum pre-folds with all of my covers and they fit wonderfully with the Lil' Bit Customs' covers. I also use unbleached Chines pre-folds that are slightly different from the econobum pre-folds but work just as well.

My husband is a huge KISS fan; if you don't know it is super hard to find KISS diapers (I don't know why). I had never mentioned to him that I had tried to find KISS fabric, but one afternoon when I woke up for work he asked me to find someone to make Spiky a KISS diaper. So of course I contacted Lil' Bit Customs. Thankfully it was as easy as finding a KISS shirt with a logo that would work for diapers, a few emails to Lil' Bit Customs, shipping the shirt to her (ebay/paypal) and then she made the diaper. My husband is in love with AIO diapers so of course he wanted HIS diapers to be AIO that is how I got 3 AIO diapers, The KISS diaper, an AC/DC diaper and Groovy Guitars. As I stated previously I am not huge fan of AIO diapers. Lil' Bit Customs has changed my mind on AIOs; while I still LOVE covers, I don't have a problem using the AIOs that she made us. The fit is better than any OS AIO that I have tried.

So if you ever find yourself in the need for a custom made diaper you should contact her. She is super to work with and the quality of the diapers is amazing. She has both a facebook fan page and a website, I think the facebook page would probably be the easiest way to ask her questions and set up custom orders. Also tell her Spiky sent you, I don't know if it will do anything but never hurts to try :)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Thin Blue Line Survival Bracelet

I recently started making Thin Blue Line Survival Bracelets. I am selling them as a fund raiser for the Police Unity Tour. All the money that is collected by the Police Unity Tour goes to the National Law Enforcement Officer's Memorial Fund.
The bracelets are made from 550 paracord and so far the only closure option I have is a 1/4inch shackle (as pictured) I do have side release buckles on their way. If you are interested in a buckle just let me know and as soon as they are in I will start making them.
I am working with Officer Jennifer Criteser; we are selling the bracelets for $12, $6 of every sale will be donated to the Police Unity Tour. Shipping is $2 for the first bracelet and .75cents for each additional. If you order 5 or more the shipping rate is $5 no matter how many bracelets over 5 that you order!  If you are local and would like to buy a bracelet you can email leave a comment and then you don't have to pay for shipping. Please put "survival bracelet" in the subject line. Officer Criteser will have a page set up so that if you would like to donate to the Police Unity Tour you can do so from there. Once her page is set up I will be posting a link!

There are now additional options available for the bracelets. You can choose either the shackle or a side snap buckle. Make sure when you add a bracelet to your cart that you pick the closure option that you want.

There are limited quantites of the shackle closure. There are
7 inch- 8
7.5 inches - 3
 8 inches -1
8.5 inches-2
9 inches-2
There are no plans at this time to order more shackles unless requested. If you request more shackles than I currenlty have expect a delay as I will have to order shackles before the bracelets can be made. Thank you for your continuing support


To date $72  $90 $102 has been raised for the Police Unity Tour!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Product Review- The Green Panda Wipe Solution Soap Bits

Company: The Green Panda

Product: Organic Wipe Solution Soap Bits - Several scents available. Scent purchased Cucumber Melon

Price: $9.00 + $3.00 shipping

Directions for use: Dissolve one Soap bit (baby pin) in 1 to 2 cups of hot water

When I first got the soap bits in the mail I opened the package and was slightly overwhelmed by the perfume smell. This made mer nervous about trying the product. However upon further inspection there were 2 additional soap bits in the package of a different scent (Irish Tweed) . The free scent was either just not what I was expecting or a little to strong for my liking. The cucumber melon soap bits had a very slight and pleasant  cucumber melon scent.

In the directions for preparing the wipe solution it says to dissolve the soap bit in 1 to 2 cups of hot water. Initially I used 2 cups of hot tap water. I swirled the water around in a stainless steal bowl (plastic absorbs some smells) until the water was room temperature and the soap bit was still not dissolved. I think placed my stack of wipes in the bowl and absorbed all of the water. This generally requires flipping the wipes so the top gets solution. The 2 cups of water was not enough and since the soap bit was still not dissolved I added another cup of hot water and stirred until the soap bit was dissolved. This was enough solution for all of the wipes to become damp.

When I prepare my cloth wipes I fold my wipes (from Pretty Printed Diapers) in half and stack them in a disposable wipe case. I just put wipes in the case until it is full I have no idea how many wipes are actually in the case. The next time I stack wipes I will try to remember to note the total number of wipes.

Overall I am very pleased with the soap bits from The Green Panda. It was more convenient than mixing my own solution;even though technically still mixing my own solution, but I didn't have to measure out anything but the water. I think the reason the soap bit didn't dissolve in the 2 cups of water is that my tap water does not get very hot, even at its hottest I can still keep my hand under the water. So next time I am going to heat the water on the stove or in the microwave prior to trying to dissolve the soap bit. Everyone might not need to use 3 cups of water the scent was a lot less noticeable with 3 cups of water than it was with 2 cups of water. But I don't really want my son smelling like overwhelming like cucumber melon so to me that is a plus.

This product is going in my list of products to suggest to new cloth diapering moms.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Making progress...

I mentioned last week that I was doing some research/ product testing on cloth wipe solution. Well I ordered some soap bits from The Green Panda and some more cloth wipes from Pretty Printed Diapers and they both came in today!  In an early post I mentioned how important it was to have cloth wipes and Pretty Printed Diapers is who I ordered my first cloth wipes from. So far she has been the most reasonably priced cloth wipes that I have been able to find. Ive been using the first ones that I ordered since early February; so far no problems with my initial order I did order a print fabric and that has faded considerably but what do you expect from leaving cloth in water aloe and tea tree oil? Even the faded wipes are structurally sound, and still super soft.

I am excited to try to the soap bits from The Green Panda. I got the cucumber melon scent which is my favorite scent of all time. They have a lot of scents available and seem to be reasonably priced. I really haven't found many soap bits to do comparrison shopping and since I haven't had the chance to make any wipe solution yet and don't know the quality of the product it is going to be a trial and error process. But hopefully Monday morning I get to make wipe solution and start the review process!
I am hoping to take pictures of the product *both the wipes and the soap bits* and possibly the process behind making the solution even though the process seems pretty simple.
here are pictures of the products from their site
Soap Bits
40 Organic Wipe Solution Soap Bits, You Choose Scent

2 Dozen Flannel Baby Wipes - Spring Green

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Spiky- the amazing standing baby!

Mid last week Spiky decided that he was going to start pulling up on stuff and standing
  *as pictured here*
This has made me a super nervous mama. I thought that he would only do it when on the floor; by pulling up on the laundry basket, the couch, his bouncy seat etc but nooooo, this morning he did it in his crib and almost fell out! So after the Easter festivities there will probably be pictures later and I got my school work done I lowered the mattress on his crib. I lowered it to the next level which I hope is enough. If he wasn't napping on his daddy right now I would put him in there to check. I guess Ill find out later and have to go through lowering it again if I'm wrong. I still plan to do another CD'ing post soon. I am currently doing some research on wipe solution and where to buy cloth wipes at a reasonable price. Hopefully I am able to get this done in the next couple of weeks! 

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Spring break and ...

I have been told I need to do another cloth diapering post. I think that I want to discuss in more detail: cloth wipes, cloth wipe solution, and remedies for diaper pail funk. Its Spring Break *woohoo* right now so Its been pretty crazy at work. Plus I started a new class on the 6th so I haven't had tons of time to research for anything extracaricular. But I am hoping to get a new post done this weekend. No promises though.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A few more..

Here are a few more pictures from Spiky's photoshoot! I can't wait to see the rest of them. Im hoping to get them next week.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

5 month (ish) Photoshoot by Christi Holasz

Here is a preview from Spiky's 5 month (ish) photo shoot by Christi Holasz Photography. I can't wait to see the rest of them!!