Saturday, February 19, 2011

new diaper covers!

Last week I ordered diaper covers from Little Bee Creations They came in yesterday and I LOVE them! If I have seriously considered buying the AIO diapers that they make. Which I might do at some point. I don't have a great picture of the diapers that I ordered but I do have a picture *if you don't got pictures you don't got nothin'* What I ordered was a part of the remment sale so I did not get to choose my own fabric, I did however make a request for diapers with blue and green if possible and the diaper covers are even better than I expected! here is a link to the Little Bee Creations ebay store. I definitly recommend checking them out! I have used one of the covers today and so far no leaks or other problems.

I'm hoping to get some better pictures Monday.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


is a total nightmare! I don't know how it is for "normal" moms who work during the day and sleep at night; but working at night and have a screech owl for a baby during the day is wearing me out! I am so thankful that the most I work is 5 days a week and those days are spread apart or I would seriously lose my mind. I got 2 hours of sleep between getting off work yesterday morning at 6a and being back at work at 6p. I am hoping I can catch a short nap at my mom's when I go to pick up Spiky.
It seems the only thing that makes him feel better is ibprofen and orajel. I don't give him ibprofen more than once a day and that makes for a miserable day but I would rather under medicate than over medicate. Maybe that makes me a mean mom but I am super paranoid about giving babies medication. I am hoping I get a break in the teething process soon, this no sleep thing is for the birds.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

He likes it! Spiky likes it !!

Spiky slept in the pack n'play most of the weekend. I think the key is the living room. Sometimes I just don't understand my child, and I am sure that is just going to get worse with time!
I think Spiky has decided that his first word is going to be "hey" he has said it at least 20 in the last two days. Its so cute! Does it count as a first word if they don't know what it means? Its not like when they say 'mama' or "dada" , "hey" is just a word. And I am sure its his real first word because we all say it to him so much.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I should have left the crib in the living room...

Spiky is officially 4 months old today.He still won't sleep in his crib, which is in our room so its not like he would be in a room by himself just in a bed by himself. I love co-sleeping but since I have gone back to work I am nervous about other people sleeping with him. Today I went and bought a pack n' play with a bassinet just to see if he would sleep in it. Since he sleeps in a pack n' play at my mom's i figured he might sleep in one at home. So far he seems to like it. I guess he just thinks he is going to miss something if he isn't sleeping in the living room.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Wool dryer balls

To anyone new to cloth diapering (like me) you might not know that you NEED dryer balls to dry your prefolds, or you are going to spend hours drying them. I have a dryer that dries a full load of towels in under 30 minutes; and it still takes a good 2 hours to dry 13 prefolds. After the first time of washing and drying the prefolds to prep them for use I became aware of this problem and began searching for the reason and remedy. What I found where dryer balls. You can get them in plastic or in wool. Since there were no wool ones at Wal-mart I bought 4 plastic ones. They cut the drying time from 2 hours to a mere 40 minutes. I have read that wool works even better but instead of buying them I made my own and saved some money.
On Thursday I went to Hobby Lobby and bough Fisherman's wool (Lion Brand) that said it was perfect for felting. This seemed to be the most economical option. It was 10.99 for a skein, I bought 3 skeins just to be safe. Since I had never done the project I was unsure as to how much wool it would take. I then followed the directions found here and ended up with 17 wool dryer balls. most of them are 8 inches but some of them I didnt wrap tight enough or I wrapped too tight, I'm not really sure what caused it but they shrank and are considerably smaller. But in the midst of all of my searching I found that felted wool balls are great baby toys so the smaller / irregular ones will not go to waste because Spiky will get to enjoy them.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cloth Wipes

After cloth diapering for 5 days I am beginning to wonder why I still use regular baby wipes. I am very used to wiping the baby and putting the dirty wipe inside the disposable diaper and throwing it all away. Now I have to figure out where to put the dirty wipes until I can flush them and I really don't think you are supposed to flush baby wipes but I think it would be gross to just throw them in the trash.
I wonder how difficult it is to make your own cloth wipes, I am sure there are people out there that do it... I am off to research on the interwebs!

Album art

This *yesterday* morning when I got off work I went to my mom's to feed Spiky and sleep before coming back to work tonight. Of course when I got there everybody was sleeping except my stepdad. He is a songwriter and has submitted several songs to a local Christian radio station to play but he needed album art. Luckily I had my "real" camera at his house so i spent about an hour setting up and taking a picture for his album, I think it turned out really awesome.
this is orignal picture

Album art

my mom doesn't have photoshop so the picture is unedited other than addiding his name at the bottom and cropping. My camera has impressed me

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Spiky crawled...

I missed it! My mom is keeping Spiky while I am at work and she called me a few hours ago to tell me that he crawled! He has been trying to since Christmas but has been unsuccessful and has only been able to scoot with his head down! I cannot believe that I missed him actually crawling for the first time! Plus I think he is entirely too young to be crawling, he won’t be 4 months old until Feb 9th.